10th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics

Manuscript Preparation
- Manuscripts must represent original contribution of the authors.
- Manuscripts may be Papers (6, 8 or 10 pages) or Extended Abstracts (max. 2 pages). They have to be prepared in accordance with templates provided below:
- Submitted manuscripts should be editable (in *.doc/*.tex format, or archives for LaTeX submissions with figures)
Instructions for Authors on Submitted Paper Naming
When submitting your paper for the 10th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics (ICSSM),
please follow the naming convention below:
- 10th ICSSM - [First Author's Last Name] et al. - [Topic Code or Mini Symposium Code] For example, if the first author's name is John Doe and you are submitting to the General Mechanics topic, your paper should be named:
- 10th ICSSM - Doe et al. - A Or, if you are submitting to Mini-Symposium 1, your paper should be named:
- 10th ICSSM - Doe et al. - M1
Please use the following codes for the Topics and Mini Symposia:
- A: General Mechanics
- B: Fluid Mechanics
- C: Solid Mechanics
- D: Applied Mechanics (including, but not limited to Biomechanics, Robotics, Control, Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Problems, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) Mini Symposia:
- M1: Mechanical Metamaterials
- M2: Turbulence
- M3: Biomechanics and Mathematical Biology
- M4: Nonlinear Dynamics
Manuscript submission
- Manuscripts must represent original contribution of the authors.
- They have to be prepared in accordance with templates provided at the web site of the Congress.
- Manuscipts should be submitted electronically, via e-mail: icssm10@masfak.ni.ac.rs
- The official language of the Congress is English.
- The contributions should be written in English and presentation should be in English.